Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

The best Action heroic goalkeeper in the world cup 2006 Germany

You can watch the great action of the gridiron star at the biggest event in the world, world cup 2006 in Germany this. Starting from the rescue by the best goalkeeper, best beautiful goal that is created through a process towards the stairs obtained italy champions as world champions for world cup 2006. All will be presented in the video and pictures below that show how heroic action they are doing to entertain the entire audience in the world.

In Indonesia :
Kalian dapat menyaksikan hebatnya aksi bintang lapangan hijau di perhelatan terbesar di dunia, di world cup 2006 Germany ini. Mulai dari penyelamatan oleh kiper terbaik, gol indah terbaik yang tercipta sampai proses menuju tangga juara yang diperoleh italy sebagai juara dunia untuk world cup 2006 ini. Semua akan tersaji di dalam video dan gambar di bawah ini yang menunjukan betapa heroiknnya aksi yang mereka lakukan untuk menghibur seluruh penonton di dunia.

Beginning our journey will begin with the best rescue in doing goalkeeper, see now:
(Awal perjalanan kita akan dimulai dengan penyelamatan terbaik yang di lakukan kiper, lihat sekarang) :

Buffon kiper terbaik Piala Dunia 2006

Penjaga gawang Italia Gianluigi Buffon didaulat sebagai kiper terbaik Piala Dunia 2006 dan berhak menggondol penghargaan Lev Yashin Award yang sebelumnya pernah direngkuh kiper legedaris Belgia, Michel Preud`Homme (PD 2002), Fabien Barthez (1998), dan Oliver Kahn (2002).

Dengan penghargaan itu Buffon yang mengawali debutnya sebagai kiper porfesional pada usia 17 tahun sembilan bulan di kompetisi sepakbola Seri A kini disejajarkan dengan kiper-kiper kenamaan sepanjang sejarah Piala Dunia.

Roberto Beccantini dari harian Italia La Stampa menyebut Buffon jauh lebih hebat dibanding kiper legendaris Italia Dino Zoff yang menjadi salah satu tulang punggung Italia ketika merebut Piala Dunia 1982. "Buffon lebih bekarakteristik kiper khas Eropa tengah, sedangkan Zoff lebih bergaya Inggris," kata Beccantini.

Selama Piala Dunia, gawang Buffon hanya kebobolan dua gol. Pertama dari gol bunuh diri Cristian Zaccardo ketika melawan AS di babak penyisihan grup. Yang kedua adalah gol penalti Zinedine Zidane pada pertandingan final Italia lawan Prancis, Senin (10/7) pagi.

Sementara itu, striker Jerman Miroslav Klose berhak atas penghargaan Sepatu Emas (Golden Shoe) sebagai pencetak gol terbanyak. Klose mengoleksi total lima gol, dan secara keseluruhan sudah mengoleksi 10 gol selama mengikuti putaran final Piala Dunia.

Penyerang Argentina Hernan Crespo dan bintang Brasil Ronaldo berada di posisi kedua dengan ke tiga pencetak gol terbanyak. Keduanya mengantongi jumlah gol sama tiga. Crespo berada di posisi kedua dan berhak meraih medali perak karena waktu penampilannya lebih sedikit dibanding Ronaldo. Crespo bermain selama 305 menit, sedangkan Ronaldo 409 menit.

In english :
Buffon the best goalkeeper 2006 World Cup

Italy goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon was asked as the best goalkeeper 2006 World Cup and the right to steal the award Lev Yashin Award previously enfolded legedaris Belgian goalkeeper, Michel Preud `Homme (PD 2002), Fabien Barthez (1998), and Oliver Kahn (2002).

With the award was Buffon who began his debut as a goalkeeper porfesional at age 17 years nine months in Serie A football competition is now aligned with famous goalkeepers in the history of the World Cup.

Roberto Beccantini of the Italian daily La Stampa called Buffon's far more powerful than the legendary Italian goalkeeper Dino Zoff who became one of Italy's backbone when it won the 1982 World Cup. "Buffon is more typical of central Europe bekarakteristik goalkeeper, while Zoff more British style," said Beccantini.

During the World Cup, goalkeeper Buffon conceded only two goals. First of Cristian Zaccardo own goal when against the U.S. in the group stage. The second is Zinedine Zidane's penalty goal in the final match versus Italy France on Monday (10 / 7) morning.

Meanwhile, German striker Miroslav Klose entitled to the Golden Boot award (Golden Shoe) as top scorer. Klose collected a total of five goals, and overall has collected 10 goals during the World Cup finals.

Striker Hernan Crespo of Argentina and Brazil star Ronaldo was in second place with third-leading scorer. Both pocketed the same amount of goals in three. Crespo came in second place and the right won the silver medal for his performance time is less than Ronaldo. Crespo played for 305 minutes, while Ronaldo 409 minutes.

SPESIAL: Sepuluh Kiper Paling Eksentrik Dalam Sejarah Piala Dunia

Source : GOAL.com

Rene Higuita, Colombia
Galeri Foto
Rene Higuita, Colombia
10. Ladislao Mazurkiewicz (Uruguay - 1970)

Membuat aksi nyeleneh kala menghadapi Pele di final Piala Dunia 1970, di mana ia gagal menyongsong bola yang dikirimkan kepada Pele dengan merangsek ke depan. Untungnya tidak ada gol tercipta. Kiper legendaris dunia Lev Yashin mengklaim hanya Ladislao Mazurkiewicz yang pantas menggantikannya.

9. Harald Schumacher (Jerman Barat - 1982, 1986)

Pemain Prancis Patrick Battiston pasti akan selalu ingat kiper ini karena dia kehilangan giginya dan mengalami retak tulang rahang setelah dihajar Schumacher.

8. Fabien Barthez (Prancis - 1998, 2002, 2006)

Penampilannya bagus, tapi sering membuat cemas dan kerap bertindak bodoh, yang tak jarang pula membuat timnas Prancis merugi. Sebelum pertandingan, dia selalu mendapat ciuman di kepala botaknya dari Laurent Blanc

7. Kazadi Mwamba (Zaire - 1974)

Kiper ini terkenal karena penampilannya yang berapi-api. Dia juga menjadi satu-satunya kiper yang diganti di pertandingan Piala Dunia tanpa sebab cedera setelah timnya dibombardir sembilan gol tanpa balas saat melawan Yugoslavia.

6. Jens Lehmann (Jerman - 1998, 2002, 2006)

Kiper ini terkenal kikuk, arogan, agresif dan gila. Dia banyak menghabiskan waktunya di bawah bayang-bayang Oliver Kahn di Piala Dunia 1998 dan 2002, sebelum dipromosikan menjadi kiper utama di 2006. Konon, Lehmann sering mengejek Kahn dari pinggir lapangan tiap Jerman bertanding.

5. Lev Yashin (USSR - 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970)

Terkenal dengan julukan Laba-laba Hitam, karena ketangguhannya menjaga gawang timnya, dan juga karena pakaian yang dikenakannya yang serba hitam. Dia dikenal sebagai kiper tangguh, terutama dalam adu penalti. Sekitar 150 bola tendangan lawan dari titik 12 pas berhasil digagalkannya.

4. Jorge Campos (Meksiko - 1994, 1998, 2002)

Ingin melihat kiper yang pendek? Campos-lah orangnya. Dia hanya memiliki tinggi badan tak sampai 170 cm. Akan tetapi dia terkenal dengan aksi akrobatiknya, juga bajunya yang colourful. Sempat Campos memakai baju kiper bermotif polkadot.

3. Jose Chilavert (Paraguay - 1998, 2002)

Termasuk dalam catatan kiper paling produktif dalam sejarah sepakbola dunia. Dia juga terkenal dengan karakternya yang meledak-ledak. Sempat dia berkelahi dengan striker Kolombia Faustino Asprilla saat pertandingan berlangsung. Chilavert juga memiliki motif kostum yang berbeda, yaitu gambar bulldog di bagian depan jersey-nya.

2. Hugo Gatti (Argentina - 1966)

Posisi awalnya adalah kiper, tapi dia bisa menjelma sebagai sweeper. Gatti juga memiliki kemampuan sebagai pencegah tendangan penalti yang handal. Gaya bermainnya dan penampilan yang aneh, dengan rambut panjang dan bandana, membuatnya mendapat juluk El Loco, alias si gila.

1. Rene Higuita (Kolombia - 1990)

Kiper ini membuat aksi mencengangkan dan dikenang sepanjang masa, yaitu penyelamatan gawang dengan tendangan ala kalajengking.

In English
Eccentric In World Cup History

Rene Higuita, Colombia
Photo Gallery
Rene Higuita, Colombia
10. Ladislao Mazurkiewicz (Uruguay - 1970)

Creating nyeleneh action when faced Pele 1970 World Cup final, where he failed to meet the ball that was sent to Pele by surging forward. Fortunately there was no goal is created. Legendary goalkeeper Lev Yashin world Ladislao Mazurkiewicz claim only decent place.

9. Harald Schumacher (West Germany - 1982, 1986)

French player Patrick Battiston goalie will always remember this because he lost his teeth and jaw bone fractured after beating Schumacher.

8. Fabien Barthez (France - 1998, 2002, 2006)

His appearance was good, but often create anxiety and often act stupid, which often also make the French team lost. Before the game, he always gets a kiss on the head botaknya from Laurent Blanc

7. Kazadi Mwamba (Zaire - 1974)

Goalkeepers are known for a fiery appearance. He also became the only goalie who was replaced in the World Cup without cause injury after his team bombarded nine goals without reply against Yugoslavia.

6. Jens Lehmann (Germany - 1998, 2002, 2006)

Goalkeeper is famous bumbling, arrogant, aggressive and crazy. He spent much of his time in the shadow of Oliver Kahn at the World Cup in 1998 and 2002, before being promoted to principal keeper in 2006. That said, Kahn, Lehmann often mocked from the sidelines every Germany match.

5. Lev Yashin (USSR - 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970)

Well-known by the nickname Black Spider, because toughness keeping his team's goal, and also because clothes are all black. He was known as a tough goalkeeper, especially in penalties. About 150 opponents of kick ball fitting 12 points successfully digagalkannya.

4. Jorge Campos (Mexico - 1994, 1998, 2002)

Want to see a short keeper? Campos was the one. He only has a height less than 170 cm. However, he is famous for its acrobatic action, as well as a colorful shirt. Campos had time to wear polka-dot patterned goalkeeper.

3. Jose Chilavert (Paraguay - 1998, 2002)

Included in the record keeper of the most productive in the history of world football. He is also famous for its explosive character. Had he fought with Colombian striker Faustino Asprilla when the game lasts. Chilavert also have motives different costumes, that bulldog picture on the front of his jersey.

2. Hugo Gatti (Argentina - 1966)

Initial position is goalie, but he can blossom as a Sweeper. Gatti also has the ability as a reliable deterrent penalties. The style of play and a strange appearance, with long hair and bandana, making him get named El Loco, aka the crazy.

1. Rene Higuita (Colombia - 1990)

Goalkeeper makes action astonishing and memorable of all time, namely the rescue wicket with scorpion-style kick.